Land use planning for sustainable development of peri-urban zones

  • Jelena Živanović Miljković Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tijana Crnčević Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Igor Marić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: peri-urban zones; land use planning; sustainable development; multifunctional agriculture; multifunctional landscape


Taking into consideration that growth of urban population has impacts on land use and that managing urban population change is one of the most important contemporary challenges, this paper deals with the sustainable development of peri-urban zones which represent important an environment where employment opportunities are developed and resources exploited (particularly agricultural resources) and environment where important recreational and leisure activities could be pursued. Within the review of current concepts and planning practices, the concepts of multifunctional agriculture and multifunctional landscapes in peri-urban zones are pointed out, as well as EU Developing Periurban Projects. The paper particularly focuses on the current situation in Serbia, where there is no specific legal basis for the planning of peri-urban areas, although there are positive examples of strategies, regulations and planning documents which treat agriculture and greenery in peri-urban zones in a sustainable manner.


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Review Paper