Spatial planning and ecological networks in Serbia

  • Milica Dobričić Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nenad Sekulić Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Boško Josimović Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: spatial planning, ecological networks, Serbia


The paper explains the importance and role of spatial planning in the context of the preservation and sustainable use of ecological networks. The concept of ecological networks is presented in terms of its main goals, structure, functions and approaches to biodiversity conservation. The paper gives an overview of ecological network development in Serbia, but also an overview of the activities carried out in establishing the NATURA 2000 European ecological network. Possibilities for improving the spatial planning process in light of the functional development of ecological networks in Serbia are indicated through an analysis of the requirements arising from the policies relevant for spatial planning and the development of ecological networks using the example of drawn up spatial plans.


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Review Paper