Green infrastructure planning for climate smart and "green" cities

  • Tijana Crnčević Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Ljiljana Tubić Public Utility Company “Greenery Belgrade”, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Olgica Bakić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: green infrastructure, smart cities, climate change, planning, geographic information system (GIS)


The aim of the paper is to present green infrastructure planning within the concept of climate-smart cities. In this context the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as part of green infrastructure planning, is stressed in the establishment of climate-smart cities. In addition to presenting international examples of good practice, such as using GIS data, maps and tools for support in the USA, or designing a tool for water management and water infrastructure planning in Chicago, the paper provides an insight into the current status of green infrastructure planning in Serbia. The “Green regulation of Belgrade” project is presented as a representative example. The conclusions emphasise that the main preconditions for achieving climate-smart and green cities include legal and planning frameworks, as well as appropriate strategic and other programs that will further encourage the creation of GIS for green areas and create the conditions for climate-smart green infrastructure planning.


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