The city as a playground: Skate parks, inclusion and new territory

  • Milorad Obradović Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vladimir Milenković Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: skate park, public space, social inclusion, territory settlement


There are two central topics in this study: the first topic relates to the physical space created by skateboarding, while the other relates to social capital derived from skateboard culture. The paper analyzes the case studies of three skate parks, in which the theme of social inclusion is the theoretical framework. Looking through the history of skateboarding and integration of skate parks as a part of the urban environment, the theme is concerned with bringing the openness that is part of the design of our public spaces to skateboarding culture, and in general, to the feeling of belonging as an essential part of building social capital. In the manner of shared space, public space has started to be used as a communication platform between community members looking for expression of their needs and desires. The benefits of the skateboarding settings have rarely been the subject of empirical research, so these case studies will deepen our knowledge on why social bonds connected to this sport make such a significant contribution in city landscapes. Individuality and its political manifestation have a structural role in this paper: from the appearance of the architectural figuration to the idea about a movement and a settlement, which for architecture, can be seen in the form of new territories.


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