Cultural and therapeutic landscapes in the role of healthy cities

Keywords: healthy cities, therapeutic landscapes, heritage, Banja Luka


Fast global changes affect cities from both economic and social standpoints. The COVID 19 pandemic has completely reshaped urban life and led to a greater respect for social connectedness, mental health and well-being. During the pandemic, people went to parks, green areas and picnic areas more regularly, which showed the importance of the availability of public areas for exercising, stress relief and social interaction. In addition to improving the environment, green areas are crucial for rest and relaxation from the fast pace of urban life. This paper explores the potential of specific areas to encourage citizens to adopt a healthier lifestyle and increase their well-being, focusing on the cultural landscape of the historic Srpske Toplice (Gornji Šeher) neighborhood in Banja Luka, a segment of urban and architectural heritage that has preserved elements of local traditional architecture and culture. This neighbourhood, known for its hot springs, was built under the Ottomans and has a unique combination of natural and architectural elements. The research discusses the importance of the connection between people and their environment, highlighting how cultural heritage and a sense of place can enhance citizens’ mental health and well-being when utilized for therapeutic purposes. The cultural landscape of Srpske Toplice was built between a green area (Starčevica Nature Park) and a blue area (Vrbas River). This paper presents a case study that aims to enhance our understanding of landscapes by considering the cultural, spiritual, emotional, physical and social well-being of communities.


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