The effect of fear of crıme on publıc space use: The case of Rüsumat

Keywords: crime, perception, cognitive mapping, public space, hotspot analysis


The growing population of today's cities, as well as the increase in alienation, raises the perception of crime. People's desire for communal areas such as public spaces is reduced when they feel unsafe in urban places. This condition leads to social and political issues, such as a decline in democratic demands, tolerance, and empathy, as well as an increase in the broadness of criminal groups' action. To improve the idealized use of public space, it is vital to identify the variables that contribute to crime perception and to provide spatial suggestions. The aim of this study is to assess the perception of three different types of crime in various public spaces and to learn the causes for these differences using Rüsumat beach as an example. As a result, it is hoped that strategies will be developed that improve the utilization of public space. The perception of crime on the Rüsumat beach was quantified using cognitive maps, and the data was analyzed using ArcGIS. Spatial recommendations have been created according to the results. 


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