Urban heritage reconsidered: Redefining the planning approach to historical areas of Novi Sad

  • Darko Polić Urban planning, Development and Research Centre - Urbanizam, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Aleksandra Stupar University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: built heritage, inner-city neighbourhood, urban regeneration, site-sensitive urban/architectural design


The beginning of the 21st century was marked by significant socio-economic changes in Serbia, which influenced urban environment and development strategies. Novi Sad, the capital of the Serbian province of Vojvodina, also followed this pattern, adjusting to the new social and spatial dynamic. The shift from a socialist to a neo-liberal model of planning was visible in different spheres - the system of stakeholders was altered, public funds were substituted with small private investors, while existing regulations were either overlooked or interpreted in a questionable manner. Simultaneously, the newly established real estate market mostly focused on the areas around the traditional urban core which underwent a process of quasi-regeneration. Used only as an opportunity for new speculative development, it did not have any respect for either tangible or intangible heritage. However, a decline in real estate development (since 2009) has created a setting for a different planning approach to include consideration of problems of heritage areas. Considering the socio-economic background of recent urban transformations in Novi Sad’s inner-city neighbourhoods, this article analyses the context of the problem, provides recommendations for improvements in the approach to planning, and introduces guidelines and rules for site-sensitive urban and architectural design.


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Professional Paper - Second Part