Land use regulation and property rights regime over land in Serbia

  • Jelena Živanović Miljković Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vesna Popović Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: land rights, land use regulation, property rights, land policy, Serbia


Starting from the fact that land use regulations can directly affect assignment and reassignment of property rights over land, the authors examine the link between land use regulation and property rights in Serbia by analyzing relevant literature, as well as legislation and regulations. Current legal framework that regulates property rights over land is inconsistent in many parts, while the effects of land use regulations are very dependent on structural institutional transformations and interdependent on property rights. In this regard, the paper gives a critical overview of framework of property rights regime over land and urban construction and agricultural land regulation in Serbia. After reviewing existing literature, legislation and institutional regulation on the main issues of land use regulations and property rights, the authors discuss in particular redefinition of property rights over land, processes of privatization and restitution of land. The authors indicate that resolving property rights over land is very important both for social issues and for economy and regarding this, land restitution, supported by efficient land administration, is the precondition for successful privatization process.


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Review Paper