The International Journal SPATIUM has been published for more than 25 years now, by the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS), from Belgrade, Serbia. In the period 1997-2023, 50 issues of SPATIUM were published, mostly annually or biannually (on three occasions), with the exceptions in years 2009 and 2011, when three volumes were issued, respectively. As from March 2009 (No. 19), papers have been regularly categorised into appropriate groups (viz., Original scientific paper, Review paper, Preliminary report-Short Communication, Scientific analysis or debate, or Professional paper). Each scientific paper has been reviewed by at least two independent reviewers, and the reviewing process is double-blinded both for the authors and for the reviewers.

As from recently, SPATIUM has been listed by Scopus, and in parallel it has been regularly listed as an international scientific journal of national relevance, approved annually by the responsible Ministry in Serbia (i.e., education, science, technological development).

The publication of SPATIUM has been on a regular basis, and partly, supported by the above mentioned responsible Ministry in Serbia.

The journal is published in English language, although in the first years few contributions were also published in Russian language.

The rigour of editing has considerably improved as from the year 2009 (No. 20), with the new editors taking post. Both Editorial Board and Reviewing Committee were elevated, now composed of a number of distinguished national and international scientists/academics.

At the time when it was launched (1997), SPATIUM was envisaged as a scientific forum primarily for the members of IAUS and its external fellows. It was intended to surmount a number of limitations regarding the scientific communication of Serbian scientists and their international colleagues, namely, during the period of international sanctions and isolation of the country of that period. Subsequently, and especially so as from the mid-2010s, the ambition of the publisher were broadened, that is, to establish SPATIUM as an internationally recognisable forum for scientific communication, interaction and exchange of opinions.

SPATIUM covers a large number of general and specific issues within the respective realms of regional and urban planning, architecture (architectural design, architectural theory and architectural history), housing, building, geodesy, and environment, both at theoretical and empirical (practical) level, with a view to better theoretical understanding of current spatial and urban development processes and to improve the practice in the field. Also, a number of other issues, paralleling the main themes, have been addressed in the articles published in the journal, viz.,  sustainable development, protection of natural and cultural heritage, metropolitan planning and governance, regional competitiveness, economic strategic development, correspondence between public and private interests in planning, information support to planning (GIS support, WEB-base support to urban and spatial planning, spatial and urban development indicators, environmental indicators, etc.), tourism development, planning evaluation, planning education, demography, social development and social cohesion, cooperation in the Balkans and cross-border planning cooperation,  institutional and organisational support to planning, land use planning and management, landscape planning, water management, strategic thinking, research and governance/planning, territorial cohesion, climate changes, regional economic planning, urban sprawl, risk management, and more.

SPATIUM has also been regularly reporting on current activities of IAUS, and particularly on the national and international research projects the Institute was carrying on, as well as on the international scientific conferences organised by IAUS. On four occasions, a selection of contributions (papers) from the conferences in question was published in the thematic issues of SPATIUM.

More details on the published issues of SPATIUM are available on-line from: