Architectural communication: Intra and extra activity of architecture

  • Slavica Stamatović Vučković University of Montenegro, Faculty of Architecture, Podgorica, Montenegro
Keywords: architectural communication; denotation; connotation; intra activity; extra activity


Apart from a brief overview of architectural communication viewed from the standpoint of theory of information and semiotics, this paper contains two forms of dualistically viewed architectural communication. The duality denotation/connotation ('primary' and 'secondary' architectural communication) is one of semiotic postulates taken from Umberto Eco who viewed architectural communication as a semiotic phenomenon. In addition, architectural communication can be viewed as an intra and an extra activity of architecture where the overall activity of the edifice performed through its spatial manifestation may be understood as an act of communication. In that respect, the activity may be perceived as the 'behavior of architecture', which corresponds to Lefebvre's production of space.


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Scientific Analysis or Debate - Second Part