Web-based support of spatial planning in Serbia

  • Dragana Bazik University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Omiljena Dželebdžić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: web-based support; spatial planning; relational approach; democratic achievement


High-speed access to the Internet and mobile broadband create a new web-based support of spatial planning in Serbia. Perhaps most importantly, this support provides unprecedented opportunities to empower individuals across all social and economic strata. The authors present this view within the framework of two fundamental focal points: (i) relational approach to spatial planning that recognizes the multiple dimensions of diverse people who interact with place and space in complex and unpredictable ways; and (ii) democratic achievement in spatial planning model and governance framework to share information and collaborate across a municipalities' hyperconnected ecosystem.


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Review Paper - Second Part