The contribution to the research into the role of Bogdan Bogdanović in the creation of the New School of Architecture in Belgrade

  • Branislav Folić University of Priština, Faculty of Technical Sciences – Deparment of Architecture, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
Keywords: New School of Architecture; Bogdan Bogdanović; environment; architectural education


Following student protests in 1968, the reform of universities began in Yugoslavia. The idea of the humanization of architectural profession and the reform of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture towards the environmental studies was launched. The article examines the impact of the New School on the humanization of the architectural profession as part of a general movement to humanize the society of the sixties, as well as the significant role of Bogdan Bogdanović in the realisation of such an endeavour. First steps towards creating a New School could be foreseen in Bogdan Bogdanović's text Arhitektura je nauka (The Architecture is a Science) in 1969, which suggests the introduction of the humanistic disciplines in architectural education as well as in the analytical texts of Professor Branislav Milenković 'O nastavi na arhitekstonskom fakultetu' (About Teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, 1945-1968) and assistant lecturer Ranko Radović 'Učenje neimarstva' published in the magazine Arhitektura-urbanizam (Architecture-Town Planning) No.52 in 1968. During his stay in America, Bogdanović gained some experience visiting multidisciplinary schools of environmental design. Analyzing the school curriculum and current trends in the education of architects, he set the basis for the application of environmental design. The reform was carried out transparently with equal participation of students, teachers and former students of the Faculty of Architecture. The team for the creation of the New School, led by Bogdan Bogdanović, after each meeting published announcements that contained conclusions on the implementation of reforms. These announcements and processed materials represented the content basis of the New School of architecture.


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