Art Nouveau in Zagreb: The new movement's significance to the profession of architecture

  • Melita Čavlović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture
  • Mojca Smode Cvitanović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture
  • Andrej Uchytil University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture
Keywords: Art Nouveau, Zagreb, architectural profession, Semper's Bekleidung theory


This paper traces the implications of Semper's Bekleidung theory on working processes in the field of architecture in Zagreb. The idiosyncrasies of the work of freshly graduated architects in a peripheral Austro-Hungarian city are analysed, both in the context of developing and spreading the city block system and the appearance of the new Art Nouveau style. Buildings in this new modern style, which appeared in 1897, were built sporadically throughout the city's urban fabric, which generally consisted of historicist residential buildings at the time. Parallel to historicism, the demand for Art Nouveau from clients grew, especially around the turn of the 20th century. At the time, typical migration processes resulted in the arrival of a well-educated populace that would commission Art Nouveau buildings in the coming years. The unique characteristics of Art Nouveau style, especially its ability to directly engage citizens and transmit messages of modern times, proved to be an important determinant in its increasing popularity in the city. Many professions and products were advertised on the façades and ornamentation of buildings, the main bearers of Art Nouveau style.


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