Technical and logical methods for improving the process of urban planning in Serbia

  • Ana Graovac Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nataša Danilović Hristić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nebojša Stefanović Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: urban plan, methodology, model, procedure, participation, interest


The subject of the paper is an analysis of the methodology for developing urban plans, considered in a normative, organizational and interest context. Based on current legislation defining the content and procedure for adopting a plan, and the institutional framework that defines the participants in the planning process, a basic methodological model for a planning solution was formed, which was then improved in the context of the collaborative planning paradigm. Starting from the assumption that harmonizing the different interests represents the “grey zone” of planning in Serbia, the paper explores various methodological steps that would give a space for better cooperation between all stakeholders, and therefore contribute to the improvement of procedures for developing plans and the quality of the planning solutions themselves. On the basis of this research, a methodology for urban planning is defined as a logical and technical method of successively configuring a planning solution in a normative, organizational and interest context. Through analysis of the application of the methodological model in practice and a case study, it was confirmed that the method of producing a plan that includes timely and meaningful cooperation can reconcile the interests of the different stakeholders in planning.


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Review Paper