A study on the causes of the failure to implement the Constantine metropolis urban project

  • Nedjima Mouhoubi Labaratory LAVMF, Department of Project Management, Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Constantine
  • Souad Sassi Boudemagh Labaratory LAVMF, Department of Project Management, Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Constantine
Keywords: urban project, Algeria, Constantine, causes and effects, governance, management


This paper explores the reasons why the implementation of the Constantine urban project failed, with a focus on management processes, using the cause and effect method. Pioneering urban projects in Algeria have been very difficult to implement. Our findings reflect enduring dilemmas concerning project management that is not backed by consistent political support, based on the case of the Constantine urban project. Data were collected using a number of tools including active observation, content analysis of project documents, two surveys intended for the project administration and Constantine’s residents, and interviews with elected representatives and professionals directly involved in the project’s development. Using a causes tree and an Ishikawa diagram in the data analysis, we identify the factors that have affected the implementation of the Constantine urban project. The findings of this research demonstrate that the factors with the greatest influence on the project fall within the areas of project management, stakeholder management, policy support, the democratic participatory process and regulation. These factors are the reason for the critical failure of the urban project in Constantine.


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