Spatial organisation concepts for living spaces with two centres

  • Đorđe Alfirević Studio Alfirević, Belgrade
  • Sanja Simonović Alfirević Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade
Keywords: achitecture, housing, living space, territoriality, centre


In a functional sense, the centre of the living space is a gathering area for its users and for visitors. In most cases, the living area has at least one space towards which its users gravitate daily or occasionally. In situations where there are two or more centres in the living area, their position, size and connection determine the character of the functional organization, and they result from the social needs of the users. This paper analyzes characteristic examples of how dwellings are organized with several gathering centres, drawing out three basic concepts: a) living space with centres grouped in a social zone, b) living space with a flexible centre on the boundary between zones and c) living space with a secondary centre in a private area. On the other hand, attention is drawn to the existence of different boundaries of territoriality (boundaries of ownership, hospitality and intimacy), which determine the domains of social, private and intimate zones in housing. Depending on whether the gathering centres are located on one side, on the other, or along the border of territoriality, the degree of intimacy of the living space also changes.


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