Publishing and spatial planning – the driving role of the Institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981)

  • Milena Milinković Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade
  • Jasna Petrić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade
  • Ana Niković Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade
Keywords: journal Savremene urbanističke teme (Engl. Contemporary Urban Themes), bibliography, publishing activity, spatial planning, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia


This paper emphasises the role of people who have been employed at the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia as well as a number of its external associates in the development of spatial planning in Serbia. It highlights the significance of the publishing role of the Institute, which goes hand in hand with its work on scientific research and professional projects, with a special focus on the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (Engl. Contemporary Urban Themes), one of its five serial publications. This journal is significant because it published analytical and study articles, translations, critical reviews, and reviews of important achievements in urban and spatial planning at a time when spatial planning in Serbia was still in its pioneering phase, which resulted in the launch of ambitious projects with a wider social impact. The important contribution of this paper is the bibliography of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme, as well as four accompanying registers that present all of the authors of its texts and all of the published titles.


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Original Scientific Paper