Public-private partnership as a possibility for improving municipal waste management

  • Đorđe Jovanović School of Engineering Management, Union Nikola Tesla University, Belgrade
  • Tatjana Živković Belgrade City Administration, Belgrade
Keywords: municipal waste, management, PPP, Belgrade


A consequence of the high concentrations of the population in big cities is the growth in the amount of municipal waste generated. This has resulted in an accelerating need for developing as efficient a municipal waste management system as possible on a local level, based on legal requirements and the rules of good conduct within this field. The city of Belgrade is used as a case study for analyzing the existing problem of waste management (based on the Waste Management Plan), system elements and operational performances (special waste disposal), and the possibilities for improving the system by contemporary technical and managerial solutions. This is especially analyzed on the basis of provisions and obligations stipulated in the recently signed PPP contract on public-private partnership (PPP). In this paper, the author discusses possible comprehensive improvements of the municipal waste management system based on the obligations of the signatories of the said contract.


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Review Paper