Boundaries of reality in the process of architectural design

  • Jelena Bogosavljević Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Keywords: coding, reality, dream, world of projections, negation


Starting from the fact that the reality of the world of projections is comprehensive only when its architectural reality is created outside that reality, to become a new reality within reality, the paper addresses establishment of the relationship between an architect designer and reality, by his double presence within and outside reality. The existence of reality is questionable, because the actuality of the world of projections, which, though present in reality, often does not have meaning and is therefore created outside reality, only to exist again with meaning. In that relation, as the real world in reality, it is expressed also as an unreal world outside reality, whose imaginary reality is studied with architectural projection in a lifelike scope of reality. That way, the meaning of the projection in the process of architectural design is checked by projecting its meaning outside reality, while in the transition of an architectural design from one reality into another, the architect designer also develops his/her creative role, by reading and connecting individual (personal) and collective (universal) codes of the world of projections, which exists as two-folded and realistic in the reality scope. 


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Preliminary report - Short Communications