Achieving use value of a living space

Keywords: architecture, housing, use value, quality, human needs


Use value is one of the key terms related to architectural functionality. The term itself denotes the level of usefulness of a living space for its user, i.e., to what extent the space can meet specific human needs. The paper analyzes the relations between characteristic human needs and the possibilities for their fulfillment in a living space. Various studies examining different aspects of use value have often identified it with the quality of a living space. This is why one of the main aims of this paper is to reexamine the thesis claiming that use value is just one part which defines the quality of a living space and that these two terms are not equivalents. On the other hand, the paper presents a systematization of cause-and-effect relations between human needs and the basic principles and parameters for achieving use value within a living space. Although the term has not lost its importance since it was first used, the criteria for achieving a higher level of use value of a living space have not been sufficiently researched. Along with a comparative analysis of the terms value, use value and the quality of a living space, as well as an examination of the characteristic human needs present in each living space and ways of meeting them, the key contribution of the paper lies in defining the principles for achieving use value.


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