Space-time high-resolution data of the potential insolation and solar duration for Montenegro

Keywords: potential insolation, solar duration, Montenegro


The assessment of the potential use of renewable energy resources requires reliable and precise data inputs for sustainable energy planning on a regional, national and local scale. In this study, we examine high spatial resolution grids of potential insolation and solar duration in order to determine the location of potential solar power plants in Montenegro. Grids with a 25-m spatial resolution of potential solar radiation and duration were produced based on observational records and publicly available high-resolution digital elevation model provided by the European Environment Agency. These results could be further used for the estimation and selection of a specific location for solar panels. With an average annual potential insolation of 1800 kWh/m² and solar duration of over 2000 h per year for most of its territory, Montenegro is one of the European countries with the highest potential for the development, production, and consumption of solar energy.


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Original Scientific Paper - Second Part