The role of aesthetics in building sustainability assessment

  • Indre Grazuleviciute-Vileniske Kaunas University of Technology
  • Gediminas Viliunas Kaunas University of Technology
  • Aurelija Daugelaite Kaunas University of Technology
Keywords: sustainability, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, sustainability assessment, aesthetics, sustainability aesthetics


This theoretical study examines the role of aesthetics in the assessment frameworks of sustainable architecture. The article is organized into two main sections: a general literature review and the results. The results section encompasses an analysis of the place of aesthetic quality in the understanding of sustainable architecture, and an overview and discussion of the general sustainable building assessment frameworks and the main sustainable buildings certification systems (LEED, BREEAM, WELL, Living Building Challenge), identifying the existing and potential place of cultural sustainability and aesthetics in them. Finally, four architectural theories holding the potential for balancing human and environmental criteria in the assessment of sustainable architecture are presented. These theories are: sustainability aesthetics, genius loci, biophilia, and a regenerative approach. The conclusion was made that these approaches hold the potential for the breakthrough of aesthetic quality and uniqueness of sustainable architecture.


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