Radiation-related hygienic assessment of construction materials in urbanized complexes in the Volgograd region

  • Olga P. Sidelnikova Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
  • Lidia I. Khorzova Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
  • Pavel A. Sidyakin North Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk, Russia
Keywords: radiation-related hygienic assessment, naturally occurring radionuclides, technogenic background radiation, effective specific activity, radiation safety of buildings


The concept of safety and assurance of vital human activities in urbanization is one of the most significant backbone concepts of human ecology. The comfort of residential buildings is largely owed to the radiation properties of the construction materials used. Therefore, the radiation-related hygienic support of technological processes and construction procedures is an important issue for the construction industry. Solving problems associated with improving the radiation safety of urbanized complexes depends on implementing legislation in the sphere of limiting human exposure to the impact of naturally occurring radionuclides. The paper presents the results of studies carried out by the authors on the specific activities of naturally occurring radionuclides in the construction materials manufactured and used in the Volgograd region. Through these large-scale studies, it was found out that the construction materials manufactured in the Volgograd region are in compliance with the national legislative and standard requirements; they are referred to as class 1 and can be applied for the construction of residential and public buildings.


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