Evaluation of the protection and presentation of historic buildings in the Viminacium Archaeological Park in relation to their spatial context
Viminacium was the capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior and an important legionary fortress. Today it is an archaeological park with protected and presented historic buildings and contemporary facilities, situated by the thermo power plant and strip coal mine near Kostolac in Serbia, and it is identified as a cultural property of exceptional importance for the Republic of Serbia. The protection and presentation of the historic buildings in Viminacium to date can be divided into groups as follows: basic protection and presentation; integrated protection and presentation through interpretation; and integrated protection and presentation through reconstruction and revitalisation. All the processes can be discussed within the framework of the evergreen topic of heritage conservation - the quest for the proper protection and presentation of buildings, which is often connected with the spatial context. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 47018: IRS - Viminacium, Roman city and military legion camp - research of the material and non-material culture of inhabitants using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalization and 3D visualization]
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