Complex process of restorative-reconstructive transformations in the sustainable development of historical small towns

Keywords: restorative-reconstructive transformations, sustainable development


The complex process of restorative-reconstructive transformations is proposed in order to simultaneously preserve, restore and improve the historical and architectural value and integrity of the urban environment in historical small towns and the quality of life in them, thereby reviving them, and ensuring their activity, attractiveness, and sustainable development. A definition of the restorative-reconstructive transformation (RRT) concept is given. The problems that need to be solved during restorative-reconstructive transformations in the historical small towns of Ukraine in terms of their post-war revival are identified and characterized. The causes of these problems are identified. Their proposed systematization makes it possible to single out five components of the complex process of restorative-reconstructive transformations, namely: ecological, historical-cultural, infrastructural, social, and economic. For each one, the tasks are identified, the solution to which will enable the revival and sustainable development of historical small towns. The process of restorative-reconstructive transformations of the historical center of Medzhybizh in the Khmelnytskyi region of Ukraine, is shown as an example of solving destructive problems in its existing development, increasing its historical, architectural, utilitarian, and socio-economic attractiveness, and the quality of living in it, as well as increasing the interest for visiting it and attracting investment. Altogether, this will contribute to the revival of Medzhybizh, launching the cumulative process of its sustainable development as a cultural, tourist, and recreational center.


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Original Scientific Paper