Fuel poverty and perception on housing and environmental quality in Belgrade’s informal settlement Kaluđerica

  • Tanja Bajić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jasna Petrić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Teodora Nikolić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: urban sprawl, informal development, deprivation, fuel poverty, Kaluđerica


Informal development is a specific form of urban sprawl and one of the main challenges for the sustainable development of major cities in Serbia. In this paper we examine this phenomenon with regard to the influence of spatial and urban vulnerabilities of the informal settlements on the housing and environmental deprivation, especially in the context of inhabitants’ vulnerability to fuel poverty. The empirical research was carried out on the example of Belgrade’s suburban settlement Kaluđerica. The statistical analysis of the results has shown that the observed energy characteristics of housing have no relevant influence on households’ financial burden of energy expenditure, but that they considerably influence households’ perception on thermal comfort. The relation between a limited access to public services and the lack of amenities in the settlement and noted high household expenditure on transport has proved to be a particularly important indicator. Based on the perception on overall life commodities, a poor quality of the environment has been recognized as a key factor of deprivation related to housing. 

Author Biography

Tanja Bajić, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Bajić, T., Petrić, J. (2015) Fuel Poverty Challenges in Serbia: Evidence from the Suburban Settlement of Kaluđerica. Proceedings of the 3rd HASSACC 2015 - Virtual Conference Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, 5-9th Oct, 2015, pp. 116-121.

BETA (2016) U Beogradu 237.600 zahteva za legalizaciju. 13.01.2016. http://beta.rs/vesti/drustvo-vesti-srbija/22673-u-beogradu-237-600-zahteva-za-legalizaciju, accessed 26th May 2016. [BETA (2016) 237.600 requests for legalization in Belgrade. 13.01.2016., http://beta.rs/vesti/drustvo-vesti-srbija/22673-u-beogradu-237-600-zahteva-za-legalizaciju, accessed 26th May 2016.]

Boardman, B. (1991) Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth. London: Belhaven Press.

EU Fuel Poverty Network (2011) Working to raise awareness of fuel poverty across the EU, www.fuelpoverty.eu, accessed 26th May 2016.

Ferenčak, M. (2006) Regularization and upgrading of informal settlements. In UN HABITAT (2006) Four strategic themes for the housing policy in Serbia, Belgrade: UN HABITAT, pp. 11-26.

Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 (1988), United Nations General Assembly, resolution 43/181, http://www.un.org/ documents/ga/res/43/a43r181.htm, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

Guio, A., Maquet, E. (2007) Material deprivation and poor housing. In Comparative EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions: Issues and Challenges. Luxembourg: Eurostat, pp. 193-213.

Hirt, S. (2007) Suburbanizing Sofia: characteristics of post-

socialist peri-urban change, Urban Geography, 28 (8), pp. 755-


Jakšić, B., Bašić, G. (2005) Umetnost preživljavanja: Gde i kako žive Romi u Srbiji. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju. [Jakšić, B., Bašić, G. (2005) The Art of Surviving: Where and How Roma Live in Serbia. Belgrade: Institute for philosophy and social theory.]

Jovanović Popović, M., Ignjatović, D., Radivojević, A., Rajčić, A., Đukanović, LJ., Ćuković, N., Nedić, M. (2012) Atlas porodičnih kuća Srbije / Atlas of Family Housing in Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade, GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Milić, A., Petovar, K., Čolić, R. (2004) Bespravna izgradnja u

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  1. N. et (eds.) Strateški okvir za održivi razvoj Srbije, Beograd: IAUS, pp. 253-261. [Milić, A., Petovar, K., Čolić, R. (2004) Illegal development in Serbia: genesis and perspectives of problem solving. In Milašin, N. et al. (eds.) Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development of Serbia, Belgrade: IAUS, pp. 253-261.]

Ministerial Declaration on Social and Economic challenges in Distressed Urban Areas in the UNECE Region (2006), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, http:// www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/docs/ministerial. declaration.190906.pdf, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

Mojović, Đ. (2011) Challenges of regularization of informal settlements in South East Europe: Overview of the relevant urban planning and legalization laws and practice. Skopje: Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe-NALAS.

Petovar, K. (2003) Urbana sociologija. Naši gradovi između države i građanina. Beograd: Geografski fakultet. [Petovar, K. (2003) Urban Sociology. Our Cities between State and Citizen. Belgrade: Faculty of Geography.]

Petrić, J. (2013) Rezidencijalne preferencije ka gradskim i prigradskim područjima i povezanost sa njihovim demografskim karakteristikama, Arhitektura i urbanizam, No. 38, pp. 3–8. [Petrić, J. (2013) Residential preferences towards urban and suburban areas and their relationship with demographic characteristics, Arhitektura i urbanizam, No. 38, pp. 3–8.]

Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Basarić, J. (2014) Nekontrolisano širenje grada pod uticajem faktora rezidencijalnog izbora – primer naselja Kaluđerica u Beogradu. In Lukić, B., Radosavljević, Z., Đorđević, A., Marić, M. (eds.) Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Conference Proceedings, 3-5 April 2014, pp. 421-427. [Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Basarić, J. (2014) Urban sprawl under the influence of residential choice – case study of settlement Kaluđerica in Belgrade. In Lukić, B., Radosavljević, Z., Đorđević, A., Marić, M. (eds.) Local self-government in planning and regulation of space and settlements, Conference Proceedings, 3-5th Apr 2014, pp. 421-427.]

Petrić, J., Bajić, T. (2015) Variability of Suburban Preference in a Post-socialist Belgrade. Proceedings of the 3rd HASSACC 2015 - Virtual Conference Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, 5-9th Oct 2015, pp. 134-139.

Petrović, M., Žarković, B., Velev, G., Balić, O., Arambašić-Pivić, K., Damjanović, D. (2012) Održivo stanovanje za Rome. Beograd: Palgo centar. [Petrović, M., Žarković, B., Velev, G., Balić, O., Arambašić-Pivić, K., Damjanović, D. (2012) Sustainable Housing for Roma Population in Serbia. Belgrade: Palgo center.]

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Republički zavod za statistiku (RZS) (2014) Anketa o potrošnji domaćinstava, 2013. Beograd: Republički zavod za statistiku. [Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2014) 2013 Household Budget Survey. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.]

Saveljić, B. (1989) Beogradska favela: Nastanak i razvoj Kaluđerice kao posledica bespravne stambene izgradnje u Beogradu. Beograd: Istraživačko-izdavački centar SSO Srbije. [Saveljić, B. (1989) Belgrade’s favela: The emergence and development of Kaluđerica as a consequence of unauthorized housing construction in Belgrade. Belgrade: Istraživačko- izdavački centar SSO Srbije.]

Slaev, A. D., Nikiforov, I. (2013) Factors of urban sprawl in Bulgaria, Spatium, No. 29, pp. 22-29.

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe (2004) Vienna Declaration on Informal Settlements in South Eastern Europe, http://library.tee.gr/digital/m2267/m2267_demeti.pdf, accessed 20th Apr 2016.

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) (2015) Income and Living Conditions in the Republic of Serbia – 2013. Final Report. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Townsend, P. (1979) Poverty in the United Kingdom. London: Allen Lane and Penguin Books.

Tsenkova, S. (2012) Urban planning and informal cities in Southeast Europe. Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 9 (4), pp. 292-305.

United Nations Millenium Declaration (2000), United Nations General Assembly, resolution 55/2, http://www.un.org/millennium/declaration/ares552e.pdf, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

UNDP (2004) Stuck in the past: Energy, environment and poverty in Serbia and Montenegro. Belgrade: UNDP.

UNECE (2009) Self-made cities: In search of Sustainable Solutions for Informal Settlements in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Region. New York and Geneva: United Natons.

Vuksanović Macura, Z., Macura, V. (2007) Stanovanje i naselja Roma u jugoistočnoj Evropi: prikaz stanja i napretka u Srbiji. Beograd: Društvo za unapređivanje romskih naselja, IAUS. [Vuksanović Macura, Z., Macura, V. (2007) Housing and settlements of Roma population in South East Europe: Review of current state and progress in Serbia. Belgrade: Society for the Improvement of Local Roma Communities, IAUS.]

Wilson, B., Chakraborty, A. (2013) The Environmental Impacts of Sprawl: Emergent Themes from the Past Decade of Planning Research, Sustainability, 5 (8), pp. 3302-3327.

Zeković, S., Vujošević, M., Bolay, JC., Cvetinović, M., Živanović Miljković, J., Maričić, T. (2015) Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade. Spatium, No. 33, pp. 69-75.

Žerjav, B. (2014) Incorporating Informal Construction: Urban Planning in Belgrade and Proposals for Changes. thesis.eur.nl/pub/12211/(1)33609.pdf, accessed 28th Feb 2014.


Bajić, T., Petrić, J. (2015) Fuel Poverty Challenges in Serbia: Evidence from the Suburban Settlement of Kaluđerica. Proceedings of the 3rd HASSACC 2015 - Virtual Conference Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, 5-9th Oct, 2015, pp. 116-121.

BETA (2016) U Beogradu 237.600 zahteva za legalizaciju. 13.01.2016. http://beta.rs/vesti/drustvo-vesti-srbija/22673-u-beogradu-237-600-zahteva-za-legalizaciju, accessed 26th May 2016. [BETA (2016) 237.600 requests for legalization in Belgrade. 13.01.2016., http://beta.rs/vesti/drustvo-vesti-srbija/22673-u-beogradu-237-600-zahteva-za-legalizaciju, accessed 26th May 2016.]

Boardman, B. (1991) Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth. London: Belhaven Press.

EU Fuel Poverty Network (2011) Working to raise awareness of fuel poverty across the EU, www.fuelpoverty.eu, accessed 26th May 2016.

Ferenčak, M. (2006) Regularization and upgrading of informal settlements. In UN HABITAT (2006) Four strategic themes for the housing policy in Serbia, Belgrade: UN HABITAT, pp. 11-26.

Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 (1988), United Nations General Assembly, resolution 43/181, http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/43/a43r181.htm, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

Guio, A., Maquet, E. (2007) Material deprivation and poor housing. In Comparative EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions: Issues and Challenges. Luxembourg: Eurostat, pp. 193-213.

Hirt, S. (2007) Suburbanizing Sofia: characteristics of post-socialist peri-urban change, Urban Geography, 28 (8), pp. 755-780.

Jakšić, B., Bašić, G. (2005) Umetnost preživljavanja: Gde i kako žive Romi u Srbiji. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju. [Jakšić, B., Bašić, G. (2005) The Art of Surviving: Where and How Roma Live in Serbia. Belgrade: Institute for philosophy and social theory.]

Jovanović Popović, M., Ignjatović, D., Radivojević, A., Rajčić, A., Đukanović, LJ., Ćuković, N., Nedić, M. (2012) Atlas porodičnih kuća Srbije / Atlas of Family Housing in Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade, GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Milić, A., Petovar, K., Čolić, R. (2004) Bespravna izgradnja u Srbiji: geneza i perspektive rešavanja problema. In Milašin, N. et al. (eds.) Strateški okvir za održivi razvoj Srbije, Beograd: IAUS, pp. 253-261. [Milić, A., Petovar, K., Čolić, R. (2004) Illegal development in Serbia: genesis and perspectives of problem solving. In Milašin, N. et al. (eds.) Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development of Serbia, Belgrade: IAUS, pp. 253-261.]

Ministerial Declaration on Social and Economic challenges in Distressed Urban Areas in the UNECE Region (2006), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, http:// www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/docs/ministerial. declaration.190906.pdf, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

Mojović, Đ. (2011) Challenges of regularization of informal settlements in South East Europe: Overview of the relevant urban planning and legalization laws and practice. Skopje: Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe-NALAS.

Petovar, K. (2003) Urbana sociologija. Naši gradovi između države i građanina. Beograd: Geografski fakultet. [Petovar, K. (2003) Urban Sociology. Our Cities between State and Citizen. Belgrade: Faculty of Geography.]

Petrić, J. (2013) Rezidencijalne preferencije ka gradskim i prigradskim područjima i povezanost sa njihovim demografskim karakteristikama, Arhitektura i urbanizam, No. 38, pp. 3–8. [Petrić, J. (2013) Residential preferences towards urban and suburban areas and their relationship with demographic characteristics, Arhitektura i urbanizam, No. 38, pp. 3–8.]

Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Basarić, J. (2014) Nekontrolisano širenje grada pod uticajem faktora rezidencijalnog izbora – primer naselja Kaluđerica u Beogradu. In Lukić, B., Radosavljević, Z., Đorđević, A., Marić, M. (eds.) Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Conference Proceedings, 3-5 April 2014, pp. 421-427. [Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Basarić, J. (2014) Urban sprawl under the influence of residential choice – case study of settlement Kaluđerica in Belgrade. In Lukić, B., Radosavljević, Z., Đorđević, A., Marić, M. (eds.) Local self-government in planning and regulation of space and settlements, Conference Proceedings, 3-5th Apr 2014, pp. 421-427.]

Petrić, J., Bajić, T. (2015) Variability of Suburban Preference in a Post-socialist Belgrade. Proceedings of the 3rd HASSACC 2015 - Virtual Conference Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, 5-9th Oct 2015, pp. 134-139.

Petrović, M., Žarković, B., Velev, G., Balić, O., Arambašić-Pivić, K., Damjanović, D. (2012) Održivo stanovanje za Rome. Beograd: Palgo centar. [Petrović, M., Žarković, B., Velev, G., Balić, O., Arambašić-Pivić, K., Damjanović, D. (2012) Sustainable Housing for Roma Population in Serbia. Belgrade: Palgo center.]

Republički zavod za statistiku (RZS) (2011) Popis stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova 2011. u Republici Srbiji. Beograd: Republički zavod za statistiku. [Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2011) 2011 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Serbia. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.]

Republički zavod za statistiku (RZS) (2014) Anketa o potrošnji domaćinstava, 2013. Beograd: Republički zavod za statistiku. [Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2014) 2013 Household Budget Survey. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.]

Saveljić, B. (1989) Beogradska favela: Nastanak i razvoj Kaluđerice kao posledica bespravne stambene izgradnje u Beogradu. Beograd: Istraživačko-izdavački centar SSO Srbije. [Saveljić, B. (1989) Belgrade’s favela: The emergence and development of Kaluđerica as a consequence of unauthorized housing construction in Belgrade. Belgrade: Istraživačko- izdavački centar SSO Srbije.]

Slaev, A. D., Nikiforov, I. (2013) Factors of urban sprawl in Bulgaria, Spatium, No. 29, pp. 22-29.

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe (2004) Vienna Declaration on Informal Settlements in South Eastern Europe, http://library.tee.gr/digital/m2267/m2267_demeti.pdf, accessed 20th Apr 2016.

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) (2015) Income and Living Conditions in the Republic of Serbia – 2013. Final Report. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Townsend, P. (1979) Poverty in the United Kingdom. London: Allen Lane and Penguin Books.

Tsenkova, S. (2012) Urban planning and informal cities in Southeast Europe. Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 9 (4), pp. 292-305.

United Nations Millenium Declaration (2000), United Nations General Assembly, resolution 55/2, http://www.un.org/ millennium/declaration/ares552e.pdf, accessed 24th Apr 2016.

UNDP (2004) Stuck in the past: Energy, environment and poverty in Serbia and Montenegro. Belgrade: UNDP.

UNECE (2009) Self-made cities: In search of Sustainable Solutions for Informal Settlements in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Region. New York and Geneva: United Natons.

Vuksanović Macura, Z., Macura, V. (2007) Stanovanje i naselja Roma u jugoistočnoj Evropi: prikaz stanja i napretka u Srbiji. Beograd: Društvo za unapređivanje romskih naselja, IAUS. [Vuksanović Macura, Z., Macura, V. (2007) Housing and settlements of Roma population in South East Europe: Review of current state and progress in Serbia. Belgrade: Society for the Improvement of Local Roma Communities, IAUS.]

Wilson, B., Chakraborty, A. (2013) The Environmental Impacts of Sprawl: Emergent Themes from the Past Decade of Planning Research, Sustainability, 5 (8), pp. 3302-3327.

Zeković, S., Vujošević, M., Bolay, JC., Cvetinović, M., Živanović Miljković, J., Maričić, T. (2015) Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade. Spatium, No. 33, pp. 69-75.

Žerjav, B. (2014) Incorporating Informal Construction: Urban Planning in Belgrade and Proposals for Changes. thesis.eur.nl/ pub/12211/(1)33609.pdf, accessed 28th Feb 2014.

Review Paper