Exploring morphological dynamics of Pontianak through quantitative study and cultural insights

Keywords: centrality, morphology, Pontianak, Space Syntax, waterfront city


This study employs urban mapping techniques to explore the intricate relationship between the built environment and urban processes amidst rapid urbanization. The study area is located in Pontianak city, a city with integrating historical, geographical, and cultural perspectives in Borneo Island, Indonesia. This study unravels Pontianak’s urban morphology, aiming to decipher the correlations between accessibility, built form, and cultural identity. Utilizing quantitative methodologies and the Spacematrix method, this research unveils the evolving relationship between accessibility and building density. Analyzing centrality through Space Syntax, it investigates the city’s morphological development and cultural identity. The findings highlight Pontianak’s adaptability to transportation shifts, emphasizing the impact on its urban evolution. Economic activities strongly shape building density, influencing architectural landscapes across zones. Nuanced correlations between integration, building attributes, and gross floor area underscore historical, cultural, and economic influences. Infrastructure development, notably roads and bridges, significantly enhances connectivity and catalyzes urban growth. This research illuminates the intricate tapestry of Pontianak’s urban life, emphasizing its resilience and dynamic evolution amidst changing influences.


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