Reflections of user satisfaction in public spaces: A structural equation modeling approach at Hasanpaşa Gazhane, Istanbul

Keywords: public space, user satisfaction, modeling, Hasanpaşa Gazhane


This study investigates the factors that influence user satisfaction with public spaces by using structural equation modeling (SEM). The case study focuses on Hasanpaşa Gazhane (Gashouse), a versatile public space located in a central area of Istanbul, attracting a diverse range of individuals from various demographic, social, and economic backgrounds. Using a random sampling technique, 203 face-to-face surveys were conducted to assess users’ perceptions of accessibility, use and activity, safety, comfort, and image indicators, as well as user satisfaction. Preliminary data analysis employed exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis methods. Subsequently, the relationship between the identified factors and user satisfaction was analyzed using structural equation modeling in Amos 24 software. The findings indicate that user satisfaction in public places is mostly influenced by the use and activities and image indicators. Accessibility, safety, and comfort factors have a relatively lesser impact on user satisfaction. The results focus on adapting public space design and management techniques to the needs and expectations of the community. This study makes a valuable contribution to the diversification of methodologies used in the study of site-specific attributes within public spaces, with a particular emphasis on optimizing their responsiveness to the needs and expectations of users.


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