Green infrastructure planning for cooling urban communities: Overview of the contemporary approaches with special reference to Serbian experiences

  • Igor Marić Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tijana Crnčević Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jasminka Cvejić Forestry Faculty University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: green infrastructure, cooling urban communities, urban planning, vegetation


This paper investigates contemporary approaches defined by the policies, programs or standards that favor green infrastructure in urban planning for cooling urban environments with special reference to Serbian experiences. The research results reveal an increasing emphasis on the multifunctionality of green infrastructure as well the determination to the development of policies, guidelines and standards with the support of the overall community. Further, special importance is given to policies that promote ‘cool communities’ strategies resulting in the increase of vegetation-covered areas, what has contributed in adapting urban environments to the impacts of climate change. In addition, this research indicates the important role of local authorities and planners in Serbia in promoting planning policies and programs that take into consideration the role of green infrastructure in terms of improving climatic conditions, quality of life and reducing energy needed for cooling and heating. 


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Review Paper